Looking for somewhere to shake your tailfeather over the next Bank Holiday? Well look no more! If you head on down to the OhSo Social bar between 6pm and 3am you’ll be treated to a huge Brighton Beach Party in association with 1 Brighton FM, Stick It On and DiscoBug. The legendary Nextmen will be appearing, as will 1 Brighton FM DJs Fingerman, Mickey Duke, Justin Rushmore, Tony Slackshot, Jay Chappell and Family Funktunes.
If that’s not enough to whet your appetite then how about YOU become one of the DJs as Stick It On host a silent disco on the beach from the VW DiscoBug’s DJ booth?
Limited Early Bird tickets are £6, then £8 in advance / more on the door! Tickets available from http://www.wegottickets.com/event/399113
For more event info visit http://bit.ly/2oRkb7i and to register to DJ as part of Stick It On’s silent disco, then click here and follow the simple steps to DJ superstardom!
Sunday May 28th at OhSo Social Bar, 250a Kings Road, Brighton, BN1 1NB. 6pm – 3am