Ideal Wedding Playlist

The Perfect Wedding Playlist

The Perfect Wedding Playlist…

How do you create the perfect wedding playlist? We recently read an article by Kat William’s on her hugely popular wedding site, RocknRollBride discussing just this issue. The article, entitled ‘how to create the perfect wedding playlist‘ – which you can read here – talks about how it’s no easy thing to get the music right for your wedding. With time constraints, budgets and varied tastes taken into account, a free service called My Wedding Songs is offered up as an option for solving the tricky problem of wedding playlists.

My Wedding Songs gives users access to a wide range of ready made wedding playlists for all parts of the day – from guests arriving to them leaving at the end of the reception party. On the one hand, having these playlists at your fingertips instantly solves the issue. On the other hand, here at Stick It On we feel they are a bit impersonal, and that’s the last thing you want at your wedding, right?

Perfect Wedding Playlist

Stick It On’s Solution…

With our unique, inclusive service, we let the happy couple have as much input into the wedding playlists as they want. We invite them to let us know specific songs they’d like to hear, or to give us broad genres to work from. For the main party playlist, we take things to a whole new level of interactive by getting a number of the guests up behind the DJ decks to play three of their favourite songs.

The guest DJs register in advance via a dedicated wedding website and all mini-sets are pre-approved by the happy couple. As you would expect, this makes for a truly intimate selection of songs. Guests can leave us comments as to why they choose particular songs, and they often have special relevance to their relationship to the happy couple. Our tried and tested concept has been going down a storm at weddings for over ten years now. Don’t take our word for it, though, have a look at our quotes page here.

Perfect Wedding Playlist

Interested in Stick It On’s unique wedding party concept? Just email with any questions you may have.

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